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Furnace Installation Kitchener – Waterloo – Cambridge

Kitchener – Waterloo – Cambridge – Furnace Installation

At Infiniti HVAC we recognize how crucial a dependable and efficient furnace is for your residence or place of business. Whether you’re looking to replace an old unit or install a brand-new system, our team of expert technicians is here to provide top-notch furnace installation services tailored to your specific needs. With years of expertise and a dedication to client satisfaction, you can trust us to produce outstanding results every time.

Our Comprehensive Furnace Installation Service

Our furnace installation service ensures a seamless transition to a new system for your home or business. We tailor each installation to your needs with expert consultation, professional installation, and quality equipment, prioritizing safety and efficiency. Our trained specialists walk you through each step, from selecting the right furnace to testing and calibration, providing peace of mind and comfort for years.

Our white-glove installation services ensure that the new equipment is installed safely, efficiently, and in compliance with all applicable regulations. We pride ourselves in being a trustworthy and knowledgeable service provider with no hidden fees.


Upon arrival, our technician will thoroughly inspect your furnace to diagnose the issue accurately. We care about your concerns and will answer any questions you may have. We make sure to help you decide whether repair or replacement is the best option for your home based on cost, condition and efficiency.


After completing any repairs, we double-check our work by testing your furnace to ensure it's functioning at peak performance. We consider the job done only once you're happy with the results.


Once we have diagnosed the issue, we replace any malfunctioning components or repair ones that just need a little adjustment as quickly as possible while maintaining our high standards for high-quality workmanship.


Our commitment to customer satisfaction continues after the repair. We'll follow up with you to ensure that your furnace continues to operate smoothly and address any additional concerns you may have.

Call Us For Emergency Furnace Repairs!

Comprehensive Services

All furnace emergencies can be handled by our team, from minor fixes to prompt replacement. We have the know-how to quickly restore your furnace to operating order, or help you decide whether the cost of repairs and a difference in efficiency compared to newer models would make replacement a more economical option.

Expert Technicians

With extensive training, expertise, and manufacturer certifications, our technicians can tackle any furnace problem. To ensure they can accurately diagnose and fix any issue, they regularly attend training sessions to remain current on the most recent advancements in HVAC technology.

Rapid Response

We are available 24/7 as we recognize how urgent a heating emergency can be. Whether it's the middle of the night or during a holiday weekend, our technicians are ready to respond to emergencies swiftly.

Quality Parts and Equipment

We only use the best tools and parts to guarantee durable solutions and dependable performance from our repairs. Our ability to promptly source authentic replacement parts, thanks to our alliances with top manufacturers, reduces downtime for our clients.

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