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Maintenance Plans

The maintenance only plans cover the cost of annual maintenance of the equipment, essentially allowing you to pay for this annual service over the course of the year instead of all at once.

The protection plans cover the cost of diagnostic and repair service calls, commonly replaced parts, and the labour associated with replacement.

Our complete plan covers.

Annual maintenance visits, diagnostic service calls, and the cost of parts and labour for commonly replaced parts.


Maintenance Plans

Maintenance only for furnaces OR A/C OR heat pumps – $9.99/month
Maintenance only for furnace and A/C – $18.99/month
Maintenance only for furnace and heat pump – $18.99/month

Protection Plans

Protection for furnaces OR A/C OR heat pumps – $15.99/month
Protection for furnace and A/C – $26.99/month
Protection for furnace and heat pump – $26.99/month

Complete Plans

Complete plan for furnace and A/C – $43.99/month
Complete plan for furnace and heat pump – $43.99/month

Maintenance Plans

  • Furnaces OR A/C OR Heat Pumps – $9.99/month
  • Furnace and A/C – $18.99/month
  • Furnace and Heat Pump – $18.99/month

The maintenance only plans cover the cost of annual maintenance of the equipment, essentially allowing you to pay for this annual service over the course of the year instead of all at once.

Protection Plans

  • Furnaces OR A/C OR Heat Pumps – $15.99/month
  • Furnace and A/C – $26.99/month
  • Furnace and Heat Pump – $26.99/month

The protection plans cover the cost of diagnostic and repair service calls, commonly replaced parts, and the labour associated with replacement.

Complete Plans

  • Furnace and A/C – $43.99/month
  • Furnace and Heat Pump – $43.99/month

Our complete plan covers annual maintenance visits, diagnostic service calls, and the cost of parts and labour for commonly replaced parts.

Maintenance Plans

The maintenance only plans cover the cost of annual maintenance of the equipment, essentially allowing you to pay for this annual service over the course of the year instead of all at once.
  • Furnaces OR A/C OR Heat Pumps – $9.99/month
  • Furnace and A/C – $18.99/month
  • Furnace and Heat Pump – $18.99/month

Protection Plans

The protection plans cover the cost of diagnostic and repair service calls, commonly replaced parts, and the labour associated with replacement.
  • Furnaces OR A/C OR Heat Pumps – $15.99/month
  • Furnace and A/C – $26.99/month
  • Furnace and Heat Pump – $26.99/month

Complete Plans

Our complete plan covers Annual maintenance visits, diagnostic service calls, and the cost of parts and labour for commonly replaced parts.
  • Furnace and A/C – $43.99/month
  • Furnace and Heat Pump – $43.99/month

Furnace Protection Plan Covers

A/C Protection Plan Cover

Annual Furnace Maintenance Visit

Annual A/C Maintenance Visit

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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