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Air Conditioner & Central AC Installation & Service Kitchener – Waterloo – Cambridge

Kitchener – Waterloo – Cambridge – Air Conditioner & Central AC Installation

Whatever the make or model of your air conditioner, Infiniti HVAC is your one-stop shop for installation and repair services. With years of experience in the field, our team of licensed technicians knows how to extend the life and functionality of your unit within your budgets, and without sacrificing your comfort.

Ensure your home stays cool and comfortable all summer long with Infiniti HVAC’s expert air conditioner installation services. Our knowledgeable technicians are dedicated to delivering flawless installations customized to meet your needs.

We at Infiniti HVAC recognize how crucial it is to have your home or place of business equipped with a properly installed air conditioning system. Our comprehensive installation services include:

System Sizing

Proper sizing is crucial for optimal performance and energy efficiency. Our technicians will carefully calculate the cooling load requirements of your space to determine the appropriate size and capacity A/C unit to make sure you’re comfortable.

Quality Assurance

The quality and dependability of your air conditioning system are ensured by our adherence to manufacturer guidelines and industry best practices. To guarantee enduring performance, our technicians receive regular training from the manufacturers.

Consultation and Planning

We start with a comprehensive consultation to understand your cooling needs and preferences. Based on this information, we'll recommend the best air conditioning system for your space.

Professional Installation

Our team will handle every installation process precisely and carefully. From positioning the outdoor unit, to installing ductwork and connecting electrical components, to removing and disposing of the old unit, we ensure a seamless and efficient installation.

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Experience and Expertise

Our technicians have years of experience in the HVAC field and are equipped with the know-how to handle even the most complex installations.

Customer Satisfaction

We aim to go above and beyond our client's expectations with each installation. Your comfort and peace of mind are our top priorities.

Quality Products

We collaborate with top manufacturers to provide premium air conditioning systems that are incredibly dependable and perform well.

Transparent Pricing

We provide no-obligation quotes with transparent pricing and no hidden costs, ensuring you know what to expect before the installation begins. No hassling, and the price stays the same even after we’ve left the property.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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